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Basement Renovations: From Spooky to Spectacular

Basements are incredibly useful and spacious additions to any home design. If you have a basement, that space likely has a lot of potential.

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How to Remodel a Home that is Not Your Forever Home

Many people buy their first house without plans to make it a forever home. This is the purpose of a starter home and, even for a second or third...

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New Homeowner?: How to Protect Your Investment with a Quality Remodel

You've purchased a home and now you want to know how to protect your investment with a quality remodel. Your home is very likely the most expensive...

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Embracing a Popcorn-Free Kitchen Ceiling: What Comes Next?

In the 1980s when many homes were built, popcorn ceilings are at the height of popularity. This spray-on texture provides acoustic dampening and...

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What Does Inflation Mean For My Remodel Project

Remodeling projects can take years to come to fruition, and when you spend that much time and money on something, you want it to be perfect.

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Summer is the Perfect Time for an Outdoor Kitchen Renovation

Outdoor living is one of the biggest renovation trends in the last few years, especially outdoor kitchens. An Outdoor kitchen promises many afternoon...

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10 Steps to Effectively Spring Clean your Kitchen - Pt 2

[Continued from Part 1] -- With your fridge wiped down and sparkling clean, wipe each item as it goes back into the fridge to make sure no stickiness...

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10 Steps to Effectively Spring Clean your Kitchen - Pt 1

Springtime is the perfect time to get your kitchen sparkling clean, even the spaces you rarely see or think about. The kitchen is where cleanliness...

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Childproof Kitchen - Prepare When Renovating

Renovating your kitchen, there are some important choices to make. While you're thinking about sink fixtures and floorplans, you should also be...

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Selecting from Popular Floor Materials for Your Home

The flooring in your home should be beautiful, durable, and well-suited to each space. When remodeling, you have the freedom to define each room by...

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