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Do You Need an Architect for a Remodel?

If you're building a new home or doing a significant extension, it might be evident you need the services of an architect, but do you need an...

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The Best - and Easiest - Ways to Remove Wallpaper

Perhaps you just purchased an older house with wallpaper you hate. Or maybe you have a room you've long loved for the floral print border you...

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5 Design Trends in Kitchen Countertops in 2022

The countertops are an essential component of the kitchen. Many homeowners invest a lot of their resources in its design because it's where most of...

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Alexa, Remodel My Bathroom: What You Can Do with a Smart Bathroom

There's no denying, smart homes are all the rage. As the gadgets get cooler and wifi signal gets better (hello, mesh network) we are thrilled to see...

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Designing a Chef’s Kitchen to Unleash Your Inner Gourmet

What makes a great chef's kitchen? A Chef's Kitchen is a special design meant to empower a home gourmet. Often, it features spacious countertops,...

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The Daily Clean: How to Build a Fun Kitchen Cleaning Routine

When you've designed a beautiful kitchen, you want to keep it that way. Spreading clutter and lingering crumbs are just a crime when you could be...

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How are Frameless Glass Showers Installed?

Frameless glass showers are the airiest and elegant of bathroom shower designs. They have no fixtures or frame, and end only in a nearly invisible...

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Length of a Bathroom Remodel: How Long Will Your Project Take?

How long does a bathroom remodel take? You won't be surprised to hear that it depends on the scope of your project. A minor bathroom remodel might...

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Bathroom Design Rules that You Must Follow While Remodeling

Most people don't realize that bathrooms are one of the most important aspects of any home remodeling project. If you have an outdated bathroom, it...

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Replacing the Kitchen Window: Choose a Wood or Vinyl Window Frame?

Renovating your kitchen or bathroom, natural light matters. That's why many home renovations include window replacements on the checklist of upgrades...

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