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5 Signs It is Time to Renovate the House You’re Living In

Home renovations are an excellent way to improve the value of your property, make it appealing and more comfortable to live in.

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Kitchen Hardware Styles and Trends

From sleek and modern to classic and ornate, hardware can refresh the entire look of a kitchen. The choices you make in the kitchen can make a world...

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Going Green with Your Kitchen Renovation

Renovating your kitchen is a big project. You'll be pulling materials out and rebuilding whole new aspects of the kitchen, whether you're retiling...

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Eating Healthy During a Schedule-Packed Autumn: Part 2

[Continued from Part 1 - Edited for Pt 1 Intro] Welcome back to the second half of our two-part article on eating healthy during a crazy-busy autumn.

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7 Types of Bathroom Countertop to Choose From

Designing your new bathroom is an opportunity to completely remake the look and feel of your aquatic escape.

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8 Form and Function Design Ideas for a One-Wall Kitchen

Every kitchen poses a unique challenge to work with the architecture in a remodel. Some kitchens are parallel, u-shaped, or angled in an L.

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Eating Healthy During a Schedule-Packed Autumn: Part 1

Autumn is a busy time for anyone. The kids are back in school and businesses are picking up the pace for the holiday season.

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5 Genius Kitchen Island Ideas for Your Kitchen Remodel

The kitchen island is the single most versatile installment in your kitchen. Your layout may naturally place your wall-side countertops but the...

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7 Uncommon Subway Tile Patterns that Catch the Eye

Subway tiles are one of the most practical and attractive ways to tile your kitchen or bathroom.

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How to Replace Your Refrigerator and Freezer Door Handles

Refrigerator handles see a lot of use. Those refrigerator handles are constantly being tugged or leaned on. In a house with children, they might even...

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