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Effect of Color on Your Kitchen: Here's What You Need to Know

Imagine for a moment if black and white were the only colors that the heavens bequeathed us. Wouldn't the world be outright boring and dull?

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4 Renovation Ideas for Reclaimed and Remnant Materials

One of the hottest trends in modern building is sustainable design. Builders, designers, and homeowners are all innovating new ways to use and re-use...

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The Art of Replacing Your Countertop without Replacing the Cabinets

Yes! One of the questions we get most frequently relates to new countertops and all-new cabinetry.

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Nine Innovative Shower Remodel Ideas for 2021

Showers are the hottest element in bathroom remodels today. As bathrooms become escapes, an oasis of self-care and relaxation away from a busy life,...

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How to Design Bold Backsplashes in Your Kitchen

Backsplashes are a unique opportunity in the kitchen for a little artistic design. While each surface and color in your kitchen contributes to the...

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Tips To Consider Before a Bathroom Remodel

You probably moved into a new apartment and the bathroom is worn out. Or you have used your bathroom for long, and over the years, it has lost its...

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Top Five Reasons To Consider a Kitchen Renovation

Without any doubt, the kitchen is by far the most useful room in a home as it serves numerous functions besides being a place where you make your...

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Tips to Make Your Kitchen Ideal for Entertaining

A modern kitchen is no longer just a space for preparing food; kitchens are increasingly becoming places for catching up with family and friends.

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A Clean Kitchen: Antimicrobial Options for Counters and Floors

When it comes to your kitchen, there are several antimicrobial options for counters and floors. Having a clean kitchen has become a top priority for...

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